Tesla ready with more price cuts in Europe, Israel and Singapore

Electrical vehicle manufacturer Tesla imposes discounts on several models for the third time since January.
Photo: Chen Lin
Photo: Chen Lin
BY RITZAU & EnergyWatch

Tesla Inc. slashes its prices on Friday for electrical vehicles in Europe, Israel and Singapore, thus expanding its global discount drive, writes Reuters.

In Denmark, prices are lowered on the performance version of the Model Y and the Model 3. Price cuts of 9% are imposed on both models, writes Danish daily Jyllands-Posten.

In January, Tesla launched significant global price cuts on several models of up to 17%. 

According to Reuters, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said that the automaker would focus on bringing prices down to drive demand and that it saw success in sparking orders with January’s discounts.

Back in January, the CEO said that Tesla could sell some 2 million electrical cars throughout 2023.

For comparison, Tesla sold 1.3 million cars in 2022.

In the first three months of 2023, company sales of 423,000 vehicles outperformed all previous quarters.

Tesla reports its first-quarter results next week.

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