European gas surges on plugged Russian supply

In the midst of an energy crisis, absent Russian natural gas has prices soaring.
Photo: AP/Charles Rex Arbogast
Photo: AP/Charles Rex Arbogast

European natural gas prices rise dramatically Tuesday to levels not seen since October. This occurs after Germany's Mallnow station, which receives Russian gas, informs that the fuel volume of the Yamal-Europa pipeline is reduced to nothing Tuesday, reports Bloomberg News.

The message from network operator and Mallnow station manager Gascade has European natural gas prices jumping by 5.5 percent on Tuesday.

This lack of Russian gas takes place in an already pressured energy crisis, now strained further by cold temperatures and thereby higher demand as the fuel is used to heat homes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has previously threatened to close the nation's gas transmitted via, among others, the Yamal-Europa pipeline in the hope of pressuring the continent's nations to approve commission the newly completely and much-discussed pipeline Nord Stream 2.

Several western countries including the US have tried to thwart such approval based on concerns that Russia will use Nord Stream 2 as political leverage to support the Kremlin's interests in Ukraine.

Yamal-Europa, which passes through Belarus and Poland, supplies Germany with Russian gas.

Russia supplies other parts of Europe with via other pipelines.

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