Heat, drought hobble power generation in parts of China

Authorities order residents and businesses to save electricity as drought hits hydro power plants and crops.
by ritzau, translated by jonas sahl hollænder

A long summer of heat waves and drought has several regions in southwestern China once again reducing power supply Monday.

The extreme heat has increased the need among many Chinese families for air cooling, among other things. Meanwhile, power supply from hydroelectric plants keeps diminishing.

For the 11th day in a row, state meteorologists have issued a “red” warning on Monday as the extremely hot weather continues.

This has prompted chaos in the power supply and damaged fields and crops. Many hydro power plants have had to reduce operations due to failing water inflow.

On a national scale, China has increased its warning to “orange,” the second-highest level.

The drought has already “seriously affected” the mid-season rice harvest and the summer corn harvest in some southwestern regions of the country, China’s agriculture ministry said Sunday.

China’s national metorological center informs that 62 weather stations from Sichuan in mid-country to Fujian on China’s southeastern coast have measured record-high temperatures Sunday.

The Chongquing region measured 45 degrees Celsius last week. In the major city of the same name, population 16 million, authorities decided Monday that more than 500 businesses, such as shopping malls and hotels, must limit opening hours to save power.

In neighboring province Sichuan, power from hydroelectric plants is short, with companies ordered to save electricity for the entire work week.

Hydroelectric power generation in Sichuan is only half its normal level, which has impacted chemical companies and electric vehicle battery manufacture in Chongquing after work was suspended last week.

Monday in major city Shanghai, authorities ordered decorative lighting along the Bund harbor shut off temporarily, with some construction projects halted to save power.

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