Activists removed by authorities during Sami protests in Norway

Activists are protesting the continued onshore wind farm activities in Sami territories despite supreme court ruling.
Photo: Ntb
Photo: Ntb

The environmental protesters who blocked the entrances to several Norwegian ministries have now been physically removed from the Ministry of Finance in Oslo.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was among the protesters.

She was seen carried away from the ministry, and she left the area without speaking to members of the press.

The indigenous Sami people, many of whom are still living as reindeer herders, and other activists have demanded wind turbines to be removed from an area in Norway also functioning as reindeer feeding grounds.

In 2021, a Norwegian court ruled that the two onshore wind farms in Fosen outside Trondheim violated the rights of the Sami population.

The turbines are still in operation.

On Monday, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said that he is open to begin dialogs with the Sami in the turbine dispute, and that he hopes for a viable solution to come from it.

”The Supreme Court has made no decision on what is to happen with the two onshore wind farms, currently supplying the country with massive power flows,” he said, adding:

”Thorough examinations are required to come up with a solution to this ordeal, and the government is eager to collaborate with the reindeer herding community and Sami Parliament.”

The indigenous Sami population are a nomadic people who have lived in the northern regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland for centuries. The largest group comprises roughly 40,000 Sami and lives in Norway.

They have their own language, and many make a living off traditional reindeer husbandry.

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