Danish CIP among winners of offshore wind auction in New York

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners er blevet tildelt retten til at opføre Excelsior Wind-projektet.
Photo: Finn Frandsen/Ritzau Scanpix
Photo: Finn Frandsen/Ritzau Scanpix

Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, CIP, is one of three winners of an offshore wind auction in New York State on Tuesday.

CIP has been awarded the right by the New York State Research and Development Authority, Nyserda, to build the 1.314 gigawatt (GW) Excelsior Wind project.

This is according to a press release from Nyserda.

The other two projects that were among the winners on Tuesday are Community Offshore, which is 1.3 gigawatts, owned by RWE and National Grid, and Attentive Energy, owned by Corio generation, Rise Light & power and Totalenergies, which will build 1.4 gigawatts.

”The three offshore wind projects are expected to enter commercial operation in 2030,” the announcement states.

In addition to the three offshore wind projects totaling 4.0 gigawatts, New York State also announced the winners of 2.2 gigawatts of onshore wind projects on Tuesday.

(Translated using DeepL with additional editing by Mads Oddershede)

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