Offshore wind a boon to the British royal family

As King Charles is a co-owner of the UK seabed, the sovereign gets a share of the profits from the production of green power.
Photo: Pool
Photo: Pool
by william rønfeldt kristensen

The world’s second largest offshore wind farm is located off the coast of the UK, and it has added the Royal family’s coffers.

The British royal family owns a larger share of the UK’s seabed, and after a year of high energy prices, it has had an impact on the bottom line of the royal family’s company Crown Estate. 

Here, earnings have been propelled by offshore wind farms, writes Danish business daily Børsen.

Profits have increased from GBP 120m to GBP 442.6m, which is partially owing yo the 13 offshore wind farms of a combind 6.2GW capacity.

According to the media, the majority of the profit comes from license fees on six new offshore wind farms, which has sparked debate in British society about whether the royal family should distribute some of the profits.

In January, when it became clear how lucrative the deal was, King Charles stated that a portion of the profits would be used for ”the wider public good” without elaborating what that meant.

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