EnergyWatch gets new Norwegian sister media

WatchMedia will soon launch a new media based in Oslo providing close coverage Norwegian energy affairs.
Photo: Watch Media
Photo: Watch Media

Norway's energy sector will henceforth be getting closer media coverage from this autumn when WatchMedia launches a new publication based in Oslo focusing intently on domestic energy affairs, companies and key profiles.

"The energy industry is a very important part of Norwegian commerce, and we see big potential in an independent and ambitious media that takes the whole sector seriously. As with our other media, we will focus on business aspects, writing about every from strategy, competition and results, to transformation, framework conditions and career moves," says WatchMedia International Editor Rasmus Emborg.

WatchMedia is owned by Danish media group JyllandsPosten/Politikens Hus, with being the former's fourth sector media established in in the Scandinavian country, following FinansWatch (financial industry), EiendomsWatch (real estate) and AdvokatWatch (legal sector). WatchMedia also operates 16 niche media in Denmark, including and it's international version in English,

WatchMedia also has two media subsidiaries based in Germany.

Based in central Oslo,'s editorial team is located in close proximity to other domestic media, and will provide exclusive news stories on the sector as well as serve a daily industry overview of the most relevant news items. will be led by 48-year-old Anders Lie Brenna, one of the country's most experienced journalists covering energy affairs. Before starting six months back as's Norwegian correspondent, Brenna previously worked for, among others, enerWE and Europower.

"We will cover the entire energy sector and get close to both companies and key persons. Norway is an energy nation, and our ambition is to strengthen coverage of the Norwegian energy sector by offering our readers exclusive news and overview of the most important sector stories. I look forward to get started," Brenna says.

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