New report: Europe's most vulnerable power area lies in Sweden

Southern Sweden is the most exposed of Europe’s 50 power areas, determines new report, according to Norwegian news agency NTB.
Southern Sweden has been designated Europe's most vulnerable power area. | Photo: Pr / Statkraft
Southern Sweden has been designated Europe's most vulnerable power area. | Photo: Pr / Statkraft
by ALEXANDER THORUP JENSEN, translated by kristoffer grønbæk

The southern part of the Götaland region in Sweden has been designated the most vulnerable power area in all of Europe, writes Norwegian news agency NTB, according to E24, on the basis of a report conducted by European system operators’ joint organization Entso-E.

Power area 4, the report’s name for the area in southern Götaland, has the lowest installed power capacity compared to maximally expected consumption among the 50 areas that are part of the report. Power area 3, which consists of Svealand and the northern part of Götaland, is also highlighted as being particularly vulnerable.

The other end of the scale also concerns Sweden, where power areas 1 and 2 in the northern part of the country have Europe’s highest installed power capacity in relation to consumption.

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