Danish company is testing nuclear power - in Switzerland

Nuclear power testing is not permitted in Denmark, leading one company to head to the Alps, writes Berlingske. 
Photo: Pr
Photo: Pr

The Danish company Copenhagen Atomics has started testing nuclear power as an energy source in Switzerland, according to Danish daily Berlingske.

The company has ambitions to ”develop nuclear technology and has become a leader in the development of a modern reactor,” the newspaper writes, explaining that they have therefore started testing in Switzerland.

The aim is to establish a 1 MW nuclear reactor by 2026 in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).

”We are very excited to work on advancing molten salt reactor technology together with PSI, which brings world-class expertise, experience and facilities to perform large-scale nuclear experimental work,” says Aslak Stubsgaard, CTO (Chief Technology Officer) at Copenhagen Atomics in a press release.

The newspaper writes that support for nuclear power is increasing as it emerges as a climate-friendly alternative to fossil fuels.

In November, Finans wrote that Copenhagen Atomics will develop and build a fleet of reactors with the goal of several thousand nuclear reactors. Therefore, within 18 months, the company would seek to raise EUR 200 million, from institutional investors, foundations and family offices. 

English edit: Catherine Brett

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